Sunday, October 16, 2016

Blog about Twitter

Twitter discussion is drastically different from a blackboard discussion. I can think of 3 reasons. The first reason the differences are so great is that, in a blackboard discussion I can write infinite amount of words, whereas with twitter I can only write up to 160 characters, barely finishing a sentence. Another reason I think that separates the the two is that with blackboard discussion, I can find things on a list or by the author, whereas Twitter uses # and @ to link the message to the masses. The third reason I think that separates the two is that twitter is used as a platform for social network whereas the discussion board on blackboard is more for educational uses. The best analogy that I think best describe the two is comparing them to blogs and wikis, and in this case twitter is the blog and blackboard is the wiki. A blackboard discussion focus more on in depth discussion, and Twitter focus on brief discussion. Twitter would be the preferred chose for college education, who wants to write more than 160 characters?

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