Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Next New Thing

A new type of media that currently doesn't exist is a media that can determine the integrity of the message delivered by the media. There is so much information available today that most information became irreverent and unreliable. A new media system that can automatically generate a score between reliable and unreliable on tweets, articles, wikis, and blogs. If readers have authoritative scores that can help them gather reliable and relevant information, then doing research would be a walk in the park. Readers can save so much time by eliminating the need to shuffle through a large volume of data to find relevant information. By implementing score system, media as a whole can also eliminate a  large volume of unnecessary information from the web, and this can free up a lot of space.          

Friday, November 18, 2016

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I have conducted extensive research on the subject of a wiki page. I wrote the term paper by comparing and contrast the pros and cons of both wiki and blogs, this gives me well-informed knowledge on how to contribute to a wiki page. Wiki is essentially a platform for all objective opinions to merge and create one giant cohesive opinion that carries a large amount of information. I am currently looking to add my research topic to our wiki page. Similar to my research paper, I will explore how wikis can be a benefactor in today's academic curriculums with the advent of computers in classrooms. Wikis allow students to be ale to self-teach and it formalizes teaching methods, this can increase efficiency in the classroom tremendously, and make it more dynamic. 

P2P File Sharing

File Sharing is the accessibility and distribution of information such as images, books, videos, documents, and software programs through the use of digital media such as a computer. P2P file sharing share the same mechanics of file sharing, but with a slight twist to it. File sharing is generally free as long as two parties agree to share and to view. P2P file sharing, on the other hand, requires a payment from the party that wants to view the files by the party that sells the access to the files. An example of P2P file sharing is best demonstrated with peer-peer lending. "The system works like this: Investors put up the money to fund the loans; typically they'll have pieces of hundreds, even thousands of loans which are ranked according to risk. An investor's rate of return will vary accordingly". Chanda Lugere, who founded the lending club, enabled access to personal finance information by bringing together investors and borrowers. Investors invest their capital to different levels of risk associated with different borrowers, essentially differentiated them by their credit score and the corresponding risk of the loan.

Work Cited
  1. Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other May 10, 2013

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality are issues that are deeply rooted in new media. New media platforms often promote idea of free speech, this is a wonderful idea because free speech is the ultimate indicator of self expression. However, free speech as a practice has gotten out of hand. Terms such as "dox" are commonly used in new media, private information such as family and financial circumstances about an individual are revealed on the internet without the consent of the person being doxxed. Free speech also promoted hate speech, people often release and spread hate rhetoric about certain group of people based on generalizing and stereotyping. It is important to openly discuss and resolve further privacy issues because free speech being exploited by trolls are detrimental to the health of a society because they bring a lot of negativity with it. New media can also be blame for many identity theft because criminals uses public information  further their own personal gains.        

Advice to Baruch College

There are few suggestions I would make to Baruch College, and the first suggestion I want to make is to encourage students and teachers to tweet daily about the subject they learned in class. Professors should assign homework via tweet. This can be more effective than blackboard because people are more glued to their phones these days. Millennials are more trendy that professors, so assigning homework via twitter would probably boost assignment completion. Another suggestion I would make to Baruch college is to ask every student in Zicklin school of business to sign up for a LinkedIn account. This would greatly help students to obtain interviews and possibly job placements.