Saturday, November 12, 2016

Advice to Baruch College

There are few suggestions I would make to Baruch College, and the first suggestion I want to make is to encourage students and teachers to tweet daily about the subject they learned in class. Professors should assign homework via tweet. This can be more effective than blackboard because people are more glued to their phones these days. Millennials are more trendy that professors, so assigning homework via twitter would probably boost assignment completion. Another suggestion I would make to Baruch college is to ask every student in Zicklin school of business to sign up for a LinkedIn account. This would greatly help students to obtain interviews and possibly job placements.   

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jia Rong. Great post, totally agree how Baruch should ask every for student to make a LinkedIn account. However, I think even those in the Weissman school should make one cause it's a great form of social networking and can definitely help with finding a job!
